Article : A Distributed Network for Social Cognition Enriched for Oxytocin Receptors
  • 1
  • Auteurs
    M. Mitre, B. J. Marlin, J. K. Schiavo, E. Morina, S. E. Norden, T. A. Hackett, C. J. Aoki, M. V. Chao, R. C. Froemke
  • Année de publication
  • Journal
    Journal of Neuroscience
  • Abstract (dans sa langue originale)

    Oxytocin is a neuropeptide important for social behaviors such as maternal care and parent–infant bonding. It is believed that oxytocin receptor signaling in the brain is critical for these behaviors, but it is unknown precisely when and where oxytocin receptors are expressed or which neural circuits are directly sensitive to oxytocin. To overcome this challenge, we generated specific antibodies to the mouse oxytocin receptor and examined receptor expression throughout the brain. We identified a distributed network of female mouse brain regions for maternal behaviors that are especially enriched for oxytocin receptors, including the piriform cortex, the left auditory cortex, and CA2 of the hippocampus. Electron microscopic analysis of the cerebral cortex revealed that oxytocin receptors were mainly expressed at synapses, as well as on axons and glial processes. Functionally, oxytocin transiently reduced synaptic inhibition in multiple brain regions and enabled long-term synaptic plasticity in the auditory cortex. Thus modulation of inhibition may be a general mechanism by which oxytocin can act throughout the brain to regulate parental behaviors and social cognition.

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    L'ocytocine : l'hormone qui crée des liens ?
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