Titre de l'article

Dimorphisme sexuel entre cerveaux humains sains estimé par IRM in vivo.

Ce que cet article apporte au débat

Cet article souligne et prouve encore une fois qu'il existe des différences morphologiques liée au sexe (les cerveaux sont différents structurellement entre hommes et femmes). Bien évidemment, cela ne suffit pas à dire qu'il existe des différences phénotypiques, c'est-à-dire des différences de comportement entre hommes et femmes.

Publiée il y a presque 9 ans par N. Clairis.
Dernière modification il y a presque 9 ans.
Article : Normal Sexual Dimorphism of the Adult Human Brain Assessed by In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • 1
  • Auteurs
    J. M. Goldstein
  • Année de publication
  • Journal
    Cerebral Cortex
  • Abstract (dans sa langue originale)

    The etiology and consistency of findings on normal sexual dimorphisms of the adult human brain are unresolved. In this study, we present a comprehensive evaluation of normal sexual dimorphisms of cortical and subcortical brain regions, using in vivo magnetic resonance imaging, in a community sample of 48 normal adults. The men and women were similar in age, education, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, general intelligence and handedness. Forty-five brain regions were assessed based on T(1)-weighted three-dimensional images acquired from a 1.5 T magnet. Sexual dimorphisms of adult brain volumes were more evident in the cortex, with women having larger volumes, relative to cerebrum size, particularly in frontal and medial paralimbic cortices. Men had larger volumes, relative to cerebrum size, in frontomedial cortex, the amygdala and hypothalamus. A permutation test showed that, compared to other brain areas assessed in this study, there was greater sexual dimorphism among brain areas that are homologous with those identified in animal studies showing greater levels of sex steroid receptors during critical periods of brain development. These findings have implications for developmental studies that would directly test hypotheses about mechanisms relating sex steroid hormones to sexual dimorphisms in humans.

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    Y-a-t-il de réelles différences innées entre les cerveaux masculins et féminins ?
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  • Y-a-t-il de réelles différences innées entre les cerveaux masculins et féminins ? Oui ou Non