Titre de l'article

Le Red Bull booster de motivation: Comprendre l'effet placebo des boissons énergisantes sur les performances cognitives chez l'homme

Ce que cet article apporte au débat

Cet article montre que les effets "énergisants" liés aux dites "boissons énergisantes" sont complètement liés aux attentes des sujets sur l'effet de ces boissons sur leur motivation et aucunement à la boisson en tant que telle. Ceci suggère que tout effet motivationnel observé chez des gens consommant ce type de boisson est entièrement induit par la publicité des marques en question pour faire croire au consommateur que cela va booster sa motivation.

Publiée il y a environ 8 ans par N. Clairis.
Dernière modification il y a environ 8 ans.
Article : Red Bull Gives You Incentive Motivation: Understanding Placebo Effects of Energy Drinks on Human Cognitive Performance
  • 1 1 2
  • Auteurs
    Liane Schmidt, Pierre Chandon, Mathias Pessiglione, Hilke Plassmann
  • Année de publication
  • Journal
    Working Paper
  • Abstract (dans sa langue originale)

    The consumption of cognitive enhancers like energy drinks (EnD) is on the rise, but do they really improve cognitive performance, and, if yes, why? We examined two novel psychological mechanisms. First, we dissociated the role of expectations and actual consumption by crossing what people consumed—Red Bull Silver Edition or a similar-tasting Sprite soda— and what they thought they consumed. We found that participants performed better in a numerical Stroop task when they believed that they had consumed an EnD, irrespective of what they had actually consume, Second, we investigated the role of motivation for such a placebo effect of EnD. We found that expected, but not actual, consumption of EnD increased the effects of incentives on cognitive performance. Our results suggest that believing that one consumes an EnD increased participants’ motivation to perform and thus enhanced their performance.

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